10 Tips for Maintaining a Color Fastness Rubbing Tester

Color fastness rubbing tester is an instrument used to test the color fastness of textiles or leather when rubbed. It can simulate different rubbing conditions such as dry rubbing, wet rubbing or wet heat rubbing to evaluate the abrasion resistance and migration of dyes or prints. This article will introduce 10 tips for maintaining a color fastness rubbing tester, hoping to help you.

color fastness rubbing test

1. Clean the surface of the instrument regularly to avoid dust or stains affecting the appearance and function of the instrument.

2. Check the power cord and plug of the instrument to make sure they are not damaged or loose to avoid the risk of electric shock or fire.

3. Check all parts of the instrument, such as friction head, friction arm, friction disc, positioning pin, etc., to ensure that there is no wear or damage, and replace or repair in time.

4. Calibrate the friction pressure and speed of the instrument, and set it according to the standard or customer requirements to ensure the consistency of the test conditions.

5. Use a qualified standard white cotton cloth as the rubbing cloth, and replace with a new rubbing cloth after each test to avoid color contamination or cross-infection.

6. Use a qualified standard sample as a control sample, and compare it with the instrument regularly to test the accuracy and stability of the instrument.

7. Record the use and test results of the instrument, and establish the use file and quality traceability system of the instrument.

8. Observe the operating procedures and safety precautions of the instrument, do not change the parameters or functions of the instrument at will, and do not place heavy or sharp objects on the instrument.

9. Turn off the power switch of the instrument before and after use, and do not leave the instrument in standby mode for a long time to save energy and prolong the life of the instrument.

10. Regularly contact the supplier or service provider of the instrument for maintenance and calibration of the instrument, and solve the failure or problem of the instrument in time.

It can be found that the correct use and maintenance of Color fastness rubbing tester is the key to ensure the accuracy and consistency of test results.